The waves have been flat like one pancake.....along with the shift of population here on the North Shore of Oahu for the winter contest/photo opp. madness. Work has been the go-to-gig. Paint monkey paint! I moved the piece to Thom Madro's Gallery to work in public for it's completion.
"Energies" have been a focus for this painting, choosing to name it after its completion.
Yeah, sounds trippy, my so called science experiment in social interactions and how people emit vague yet certain vibrations that have an effect on those around them. I guess it has to do with the guessing....does a person's energy never die? I'm subscribing to it as i have been experiencing some very cool evidences of this-in action. Like i said...Trippy. No, i don't see dead people. Just focusing on the phenomenon of "good vibage Mang". It's proven as sure as math.
i do think i feel them (people who have passed or are just too far away physically....i know you're thinking, OOOOOkay. "Nutjob"....naw,......"Artist". Maybe it's just my imagination generated by my studiobrain bleeding thoughts of a lost has not been lost in an energy sense.
Soooo, as i questioned the existence of our spirits, souls, & ghosts in the machine, my focus on spirituality has indefinitely also changed the direction of the art. The type and increments of energy gathered, released & realized.
The Art; a reminder of the physical senses. A semi-permanent record for posterity.
A breeze at my back in times of sorrow-comforts me often as it feels like her butterfly kisses on my shoulders when she used to stand behind me. Finding misplaced items after being frustrated asking for help-then finding it a moment later. The computer crashed because i'm not being diligent with my time.....a dime showing up in weirdest places at the most quieted of times to remind me....a song with the right words to explain or comfort in a song as if there is a line for me to hear at the right keep going.
Seeing without eyes....our bodies are so amazingly made with auto functions and sensory systems. Try to imagine its power source-no batteries required.
In the same light speed of this very computer and how it connects us in cyberspace. With an open heart, our energies of thought are limitless. Our thoughts-the rope tied to manifestation by our actions. By choosing where our energies are focused-we experience, learn, & activate our wisdom. As i became aware of a few signs that light my proverbial path, each moment has become "square one" on the journey within..... both the physicality & mind set of now.
Okay. Now, We are all Artists in our chosen focus, a broad spectrum of miracles, large and small happen without us knowing sometimes- as we trip out on our car not starting or at a touchdown being scored. Holding calm focus lets us see without eyes-from the tips, of our thousands of nerve endings. Heightened awareness or just plain paying attention helps us to see these miracles happen. Over time, day to day, or moment to moment.
As a painter/sculptor, it's an easy relation while nurturing abilities to create something from nothing. Think about cooking a meal. The use of flavors and how those flavors are experienced. We are all artists in our chosen focus. All co-creators in different realms, we live and learn from and with our own teachings, understandings, and spirituality.
The statement "I am You" as a more accurate verbal description than "I love You". Physically we were all created and born in pretty much the same way. One example of spirituality, Jesus is God manifested to relate and relay to humanity. Other spiritual teachings relate to a bigger picture/source on an ethereal plane. An intangible intelligence (beyond our comprehension at this point in time) made you. When we look at each other, we are certainly looking at God or what ever you choose as a name for this intelligence. Everything we touch, smell, eat, feel, see, experience, man made or not has been created in some way that no one is truly positively knowing exactly how it all went down. We learn from each other, we take care of each other.
So Yeah, this painting....yeah note to self....Blog about the painting....
A series of events, meeting of minds, & warm hearts, have rebuilt my purpose and direction. We all have IT in us, and it is a remembering of all we already know. So this remembering is all that was in my mind while beginning the piece.
After Deborah passed, there were rainbows that appeared to comfort me at every corner i turned. Even at night when the clouds passed between the Moon and I. So, i began to add every color of the rainbow to my color palette. I sought out desperately the truths of energy and light....I wanted to know and hold a solid understanding that her energy was definitely around.
This painting holds symbols of this journey up until this point in time.
The sky depicts a simultaneous day and night, a compressed view of connections of Earth and Sky, Fire and Water.
Teachings of the "Sacred Geometry", the flower of life. Teachings of Light and how we all are points of light energy to be shared and transposed, transported and transformed. Temporarily here on earth.....Whew, getting a little hippy here now you say?
Okayyyyy. Back to the painting. The Sky. Where we all have the relations of our physicality......
Wait this is a blog...not a book. This song As by Stevie Wonder. sums up my painting.....
"Soul Most Known" 36 x 48 Original Acrylic on Canvas by ClarkTakashima2011
Artist. Here. In Hawaii. Breaking on through to the other side of Art, Surfing, Inspiration, Life, Positive Vibage, So yeah, welcome to my Studiobrain....Aloha, Sea-T
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Monday, December 5, 2011
Monday, November 21, 2011
Thursday, November 17, 2011
on a good flow, on a good roll
on a good your mind, one step at a time...wisdom in the healing waters, in the way plants and animal live. As artists, we all know the process of making something from nothing, to create, to manifest. Mostly guided by experiences. Sometimes guided by perceptions, sometimes guided by intuition. Letting go of any and all negative feelings or thoughts maybe our deepest hole to climb out of when striving for completion in any endeavor. The other living things here have not adapted the concept of time so they all operate in the present. Surfing holds lessons that relate to life in virtually every aspect of living in today's world. |
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work Work
At Thom Madro's Gallery in Haleiwa town. Where the sun in shinning and the waves are.... flat~ for now. so hi-ho hi-ho......u know the words..CM, infamous sparkle painter and flower arranger. |
45% its only a #
Works in progress have no real percentage for how far the work has to go before completion. During every creative process, most times, time is our way of not burning our cookies.... |
Friday, November 11, 2011
One things for Certain....
There are certain folks that revolve in your life. Funny how sometimes you run into the same folks at random times or you call someone and they were thinking to call you... Some, you never run into. I'm beginning to feel this energy thing (Energy shared) between two people holds validity as does the invisible electricity that lights our lights. Night wise and soul wise.
With an accepting heart that lets your energy flow....attracts very cool vibey people and circumstances....the opposite seems true for...well the opposite.
So here's some words that came to me as i was showering last nite.....what the shower has to do with these thoughts?....i dunno :)
I'll share with you all
the imperfections
of Me
Until You will come to know
me perfectly
its a kind of
shelter for our friendship
and the reason for
this energy shared
Every day i wake to Thank You
as i wonder what is that
makes you so cool
Then i think IT, what i think,
really doesn't matter
We come clean as the same
the structure of our brains
the universe, the trees, and streams
the weaving of our thoughts in
synchronised Patterns
Our storied lives kept in
light space between the mind and heart
in collected memories
is the truest location of
Ok bye for now......
With an accepting heart that lets your energy flow....attracts very cool vibey people and circumstances....the opposite seems true for...well the opposite.
So here's some words that came to me as i was showering last nite.....what the shower has to do with these thoughts?....i dunno :)
I'll share with you all
the imperfections
of Me
Until You will come to know
me perfectly
its a kind of
shelter for our friendship
and the reason for
this energy shared
Every day i wake to Thank You
as i wonder what is that
makes you so cool
Then i think IT, what i think,
really doesn't matter
We come clean as the same
the structure of our brains
the universe, the trees, and streams
the weaving of our thoughts in
synchronised Patterns
Our storied lives kept in
light space between the mind and heart
in collected memories
is the truest location of
Ok bye for now......
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Old Chapter to write a New Chapter. (Take 3)
Its been a few days...The painting has begun.
Now, thoughts. This past year has been a process that has led me here and there in mind and body.... mainly a trip. As this blog began with a dedication of Love, it will continue with love.
Deborah aka Porkchop left us on August 8th, 2010. After a diagnosis in May 2010, The aftershocks are only now beginning to subside. Ten years of unconditional love, is an inspiration from beyond the perception of time. I am a Lucky man. She is the love groove and is the reason for the season in my art that continues to grow. Her sounding board voice is missed dearly as she kept the business end of my career groomed. Her Spirit lives on in my heart yeah....she saved my life, my art, and i'll explain how in a future post.
So Yeah, in reverent remembrance. the light of a new chapter sparks an awakening to write this to anyone who find themselves in a bind of past learned beliefs that may inhibit their growth spiritually or otherwise. This is a turning of the page. A venture into a next now...Thank you for reading.
"The" Facebook
My Facebook had garnered some attention during last Summer's personal race for a cure and is the "incubus" of this Blog. If you hadn't had the chance to scroll through a few years of posts, here's the skinny.
When i began my Facebook account, (Along with every possible online interview i could do) it was pure advertisement for the art. An Art show online. The coolest thing was to be able to bring you into the studio as works were completed without airline tickets, venue hassles and shipping costs. Back then it was a different animal. Folks were posting stuff that seemed superficial to me and lead to the beginning of my posts aimed at making small change in thought patterns leaning away from materialism toward a collective consciousness for the betterment of our world. The purpose and mission of the posts were simple. To bring about change in a positive manner without rants, finger pointing, & without saying my way is the best way....
By listening to the heart, the advertising side fell by the wayside to show the human at the keyboard. Complete with comments that ranged between the slightly profound to child like and simple. Mix in a twisted vocabulary and a few tunes that had poignant writing, there he goes again....friken ARTIST. (We all have things to say or admit and are free to do so, hopefully, without offending or defending.)
Deb and i first saw the opportunity to "Share" for awareness with the opening of "The Cove". The Dolphins, actually, did make her cry before Hootie ever sang about it....
Some might say some of the posts were too "heart on the sleeve-ish".... too personal, and too "out there" ~there were times when friends pulled me to the side and said, "won't that effect your sales?" or "arn't you afraid of what will people think?".... all i'd say to them was...."artist" and smile. If i'm not making people think or have a reaction good or bad, then i'm not doing my job. Basically, i had the music blasting as i painted, had a thought, or a song that triggered the thought-then posted it on FB. It lead to my brush being guided by another source. Mainly, posts were made to remind myself of where i was and should be in this space and time.
Thankfully, there were only rare occasions that negative reactions surfaced. My "Got Heroin?" post was one such instance, it was just another way of saying, "I feel like shit because i have to move out of my beautiful studio that i created art in for ten years". Because of my self admitted past in the dabbling of hard drugs, some may have thought i went back. As a general guideline, opinions on politics and religion were taboo for the page because of it's vicious cycle-ness in nature.
So Yeah, Mind, Travel, Surf & Rock-n-Roll were all out on the table and i always tried to post in a tasteful manner.... Sooooo, what does all this have to do with painting waves you ask? Process. The flow of reactions spurred my creativity virtually as i painted alone in my studio. Art, its putting yourself out there on a virtual edge. Be it personal, vicariously or otherwise.... what folks thought about me or the art wasn't the focus as much the sharing of doing the art and the process behind it- It is also about bringing about change and opening dialogue to perhaps free a few minds along the way. I do believe everyone has their specialty in Art. A Chef, a Marketer, Farmer, Mother, Etc. By opening my mind and heart to an audience from my studio, a venue was found. Albeit full of Dragons and Butterflies, Angels and Soul families.....
The message of the Art, this relatively undefined relation of painting waves.
The wealth of this micro-genre now called "Surf Art" may hold an example, a daily reminder of all that is known and felt within the act of Surfing to Life's everyday lessons and how we fit into this world with its ever changing environment. Non-surfers are already channel surfing and Surfing the web. It is within this shift out of the industrial age into the information age and the chance at a little Human comfort and understanding which pulls at my purpose.... we all are seeing people go a little nuts from the bombardment of this information, some, basically losing it completely. Who knows? You may already think i'm there!
It is my intent, my dream-to help people to see their life as if they are a surfer in the ocean and eventually on surfable wave in their mind. As we all learn to flow intangibly on this flexible plane called the information age, there is struggle and there is flow. The speed of information coming at us may throw us off center. Surfing parallels decision making in virtually all aspects in life today. o.k. i'll shut up and paint now.....
Its been a few days...The painting has begun.
Now, thoughts. This past year has been a process that has led me here and there in mind and body.... mainly a trip. As this blog began with a dedication of Love, it will continue with love.
Deborah aka Porkchop left us on August 8th, 2010. After a diagnosis in May 2010, The aftershocks are only now beginning to subside. Ten years of unconditional love, is an inspiration from beyond the perception of time. I am a Lucky man. She is the love groove and is the reason for the season in my art that continues to grow. Her sounding board voice is missed dearly as she kept the business end of my career groomed. Her Spirit lives on in my heart yeah....she saved my life, my art, and i'll explain how in a future post.
So Yeah, in reverent remembrance. the light of a new chapter sparks an awakening to write this to anyone who find themselves in a bind of past learned beliefs that may inhibit their growth spiritually or otherwise. This is a turning of the page. A venture into a next now...Thank you for reading.
"The" Facebook
My Facebook had garnered some attention during last Summer's personal race for a cure and is the "incubus" of this Blog. If you hadn't had the chance to scroll through a few years of posts, here's the skinny.
When i began my Facebook account, (Along with every possible online interview i could do) it was pure advertisement for the art. An Art show online. The coolest thing was to be able to bring you into the studio as works were completed without airline tickets, venue hassles and shipping costs. Back then it was a different animal. Folks were posting stuff that seemed superficial to me and lead to the beginning of my posts aimed at making small change in thought patterns leaning away from materialism toward a collective consciousness for the betterment of our world. The purpose and mission of the posts were simple. To bring about change in a positive manner without rants, finger pointing, & without saying my way is the best way....
By listening to the heart, the advertising side fell by the wayside to show the human at the keyboard. Complete with comments that ranged between the slightly profound to child like and simple. Mix in a twisted vocabulary and a few tunes that had poignant writing, there he goes again....friken ARTIST. (We all have things to say or admit and are free to do so, hopefully, without offending or defending.)
Deb and i first saw the opportunity to "Share" for awareness with the opening of "The Cove". The Dolphins, actually, did make her cry before Hootie ever sang about it....
Some might say some of the posts were too "heart on the sleeve-ish".... too personal, and too "out there" ~there were times when friends pulled me to the side and said, "won't that effect your sales?" or "arn't you afraid of what will people think?".... all i'd say to them was...."artist" and smile. If i'm not making people think or have a reaction good or bad, then i'm not doing my job. Basically, i had the music blasting as i painted, had a thought, or a song that triggered the thought-then posted it on FB. It lead to my brush being guided by another source. Mainly, posts were made to remind myself of where i was and should be in this space and time.
Thankfully, there were only rare occasions that negative reactions surfaced. My "Got Heroin?" post was one such instance, it was just another way of saying, "I feel like shit because i have to move out of my beautiful studio that i created art in for ten years". Because of my self admitted past in the dabbling of hard drugs, some may have thought i went back. As a general guideline, opinions on politics and religion were taboo for the page because of it's vicious cycle-ness in nature.
So Yeah, Mind, Travel, Surf & Rock-n-Roll were all out on the table and i always tried to post in a tasteful manner.... Sooooo, what does all this have to do with painting waves you ask? Process. The flow of reactions spurred my creativity virtually as i painted alone in my studio. Art, its putting yourself out there on a virtual edge. Be it personal, vicariously or otherwise.... what folks thought about me or the art wasn't the focus as much the sharing of doing the art and the process behind it- It is also about bringing about change and opening dialogue to perhaps free a few minds along the way. I do believe everyone has their specialty in Art. A Chef, a Marketer, Farmer, Mother, Etc. By opening my mind and heart to an audience from my studio, a venue was found. Albeit full of Dragons and Butterflies, Angels and Soul families.....
The message of the Art, this relatively undefined relation of painting waves.
The wealth of this micro-genre now called "Surf Art" may hold an example, a daily reminder of all that is known and felt within the act of Surfing to Life's everyday lessons and how we fit into this world with its ever changing environment. Non-surfers are already channel surfing and Surfing the web. It is within this shift out of the industrial age into the information age and the chance at a little Human comfort and understanding which pulls at my purpose.... we all are seeing people go a little nuts from the bombardment of this information, some, basically losing it completely. Who knows? You may already think i'm there!
It is my intent, my dream-to help people to see their life as if they are a surfer in the ocean and eventually on surfable wave in their mind. As we all learn to flow intangibly on this flexible plane called the information age, there is struggle and there is flow. The speed of information coming at us may throw us off center. Surfing parallels decision making in virtually all aspects in life today. o.k. i'll shut up and paint now.....
da lip....(crest)
at this point i am making several decisions on composition thinking in terms of the rules of thirds....of course, the course of the work may change at any moment....
Friday, October 28, 2011
Awakening take 2
Ok, my welcome post....i have to admit...was shit. Amidst the going through of setting up the blog, there was so many things to say and attempts at formulating an interesting group of words to gain interest, culminated into a rushed piece know...chit. :)
So here we go. Blog welcome, So yeah, Take 2.
Each day i wake, i get my self into a state of gratitude before i get out of bed between 7 and 8:30. As my love misses my sounding board to help organize the day. I've practiced myself into happiness in this life without her. It's now been one year last August 8th since Pancreatic Cancer has changed her into an angel and i find myself still limping from the blast of hearing the diagnosis and everything that followed. Her passing 3 months later to what to do in my new life without her.
"She would have wanted you to keep going" is the main theme that helps me to keep doing so.
So I paint, as it is my chosen path.
Whenever such a shift in comfort gets thrown at us it seems a seeking of spiritualism takes precedence in a struggle to understand and maybe even fulfill hopes of "seeing" the lost loved one again someday.
Yes, i have come to an understanding and level of faith that there is one God.
So here we go. Blog welcome, So yeah, Take 2.
Each day i wake, i get my self into a state of gratitude before i get out of bed between 7 and 8:30. As my love misses my sounding board to help organize the day. I've practiced myself into happiness in this life without her. It's now been one year last August 8th since Pancreatic Cancer has changed her into an angel and i find myself still limping from the blast of hearing the diagnosis and everything that followed. Her passing 3 months later to what to do in my new life without her.
"She would have wanted you to keep going" is the main theme that helps me to keep doing so.
So I paint, as it is my chosen path.
Whenever such a shift in comfort gets thrown at us it seems a seeking of spiritualism takes precedence in a struggle to understand and maybe even fulfill hopes of "seeing" the lost loved one again someday.
Yes, i have come to an understanding and level of faith that there is one God.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
"First Step-Step To"
Read into your trip....but believe your gut for the greater good. So many paths to follow and where to step? Taking that first step leads to you another....Seek laughter, grow your gratitude, let your actions of forward movement define you. Your will is all you have total control over. Entertain the lightness in a constant state of forgiveness because your dream is completely different than another. Like two people reading or seeing the same thing might have different definitions, opinions and interpretations, simplification seems to be a road for every seeker. We may complicate ourselves into the word overwhelmed or we can shed negativity with laughter. (with others- is usually more fun.) I wake every morning with a prayer for the farthest person out there. Then work slowly back to those closest to me, then me....Some say be happy and do things to make yourself happy before you can share any happy. Through my dream and life, the addition of those true words, bringing happiness to others has given me the greatest happiness. A multiplication of acts of random kindness without perpetuation of negative thought. I suppose... Ok, time for Coffee..... |
Please come to Thom Madro Art Gallery this Sat. Oct. 29 5-9p! Featuring My New and old classics along with Thom and Mary Beth!
Sent from my iPhone
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Aloha! and Dakine, if not Now, When?....Now. ok now then.
This Blog is dedicated to my Beautiful Love Deborah Cook Persson, who saved my life and gave me years of hers, here. I shall always miss you and be grateful to you. my Love. My Porkchop......
So Yeah. Hi! new Blog!.....So much to say and share. Dare to start here. Now.
My agent and good friend Jay Celat had come up with the idea to let you guys in on the creative process of a Mid-career Artist....Artist.
Through long talks with very cool friends and supporters, it's time. Beginning with a 36x48 canvas that i have been working up to with smaller 11x14 studies. I'll attempt to give you a candid look into my studio and share the journey which is process which is movement which leads to.....hopefully good Art.
A Short List of Tools that comprise my StudioBrain.
1) Music is the living room of my Studiobrain as it his many areas of the mind at once, and is attached to my hands that help create. Pandora does well....from Classical to Rock to Funk to Island Grooves, its all to move the heart and soul and all you thought you knew.
2) Air is good because breathing is best while being alive. Coffee (in small doses) doesn't hurt either. While i'm at it, Food, Sleep, and exercise helps too...This is where Surfing in Hawaii will be included.
3) Laughter... less than continuous, at least one from the belly a day should suffice.
4) Wine.
5) Friends. They are essential to #3 and whether with benefits or not, they help you see yourself without delusions. (at least the real ones.)
6) A Muse. Again, in a future post i will introduce a real life Muse named "Kindness".
7) Yes, a Facebook. Do you book your face or Face your book? It's a essential tool for an artist to get thier work out in the world. It's also a great way to see the world on a personally shared level. Way better way to hear News as only the most important stuff filters through. Like or not to Like. With a full friends list, just don't keep poking me and expect me to poke back.
8) O yeah, Paint and Brushes and stuff..... and thingys to make scuplture....need that too.
If anyone might have any suggestions as to what else my studio needs, please keep it to yourself...or leave a comment, nicely.
So yeah, a Blog begun. (are you ready? and hows this tag list?) Love, Drugs, Sex, Rock-n-Roll, Life, Death, Humor, Surfing, Hawaii, Art, Positivity, & how it may parallel and affect our life through second-nature-cognition, Now, Let's have some FreakinFun....
Hey, I now save up for now and not to ramble on and hopefully you'll come back for more.
so if not Now, When? its Time. Until then, have a look at my website and FB for references....:)
Thank You for your Time.
See you soon,
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