Thursday, November 10, 2011

Old Chapter to write a New Chapter. (Take 3)

Its been a few days...The painting has begun.
Now, thoughts. This past year has been a process that has led me here and there in mind and body.... mainly a trip. As this blog began with a dedication of Love, it will continue with love.
Deborah aka Porkchop left us on August 8th, 2010. After a diagnosis in May 2010, The aftershocks are only now beginning to subside. Ten years of unconditional love, is an inspiration from beyond the perception of time. I am a Lucky man. She is the love groove and is the reason for the season in my art that continues to grow. Her sounding board voice is missed dearly as she kept the business end of my career groomed. Her Spirit lives on in my heart yeah....she saved my life, my art, and i'll explain how in a future post.

So Yeah, in reverent remembrance. the light of a new chapter sparks an awakening to write this to anyone who find themselves in a bind of past learned beliefs that may inhibit their growth spiritually or otherwise. This is a turning of the page. A venture into a next now...Thank you for reading.

"The" Facebook
My Facebook had garnered some attention during last Summer's personal race for a cure and is the "incubus" of this Blog. If you hadn't had the chance to scroll through a few years of posts, here's the skinny.

When i began my Facebook account, (Along with every possible online interview i could do) it was  pure advertisement for the art. An Art show online. The coolest thing was to be able to bring you into the studio as works were completed without airline tickets, venue hassles and shipping costs. Back then it was a different animal. Folks were posting stuff that seemed superficial to me and lead to the beginning of my posts aimed at making small change in thought patterns leaning away from materialism toward a collective consciousness for the betterment of our world. The purpose and mission of the posts were simple. To bring about change in a positive manner without rants, finger pointing, & without saying my way is the best way....
By listening to the heart, the advertising side fell by the wayside to show the human at the keyboard. Complete with comments that ranged between the slightly profound to child like and simple. Mix in a twisted vocabulary and a few tunes that had poignant writing, there he goes again....friken ARTIST. (We all have things to say or admit and are free to do so, hopefully, without offending or defending.)
   Deb and i first saw the opportunity to "Share" for awareness with the opening of "The Cove".  The Dolphins, actually, did make her cry before Hootie ever sang about it....
Some might say some of the posts were too "heart on the sleeve-ish".... too personal, and too "out there"  ~there were times when friends pulled me to the side and said, "won't that effect your sales?" or "arn't you afraid of what will people think?".... all i'd say to them was...."artist" and smile.  If i'm not making people think or have a reaction good or bad, then i'm not doing my job. Basically, i had the music blasting as i painted, had a thought, or a song that triggered the thought-then posted it on FB. It lead to my brush being guided by another source. Mainly, posts were made to remind myself of where i was and should be in this space and time.
 Thankfully, there were only rare occasions that negative reactions surfaced. My "Got Heroin?" post was one such instance, it was just another way of saying, "I feel like shit because i have to move out of my beautiful studio that i created art in for ten years". Because of my self admitted past in the dabbling of hard drugs, some may have thought i went back.  As a general guideline, opinions on politics and religion were taboo for the page because of it's vicious cycle-ness in nature.

So Yeah, Mind, Travel, Surf & Rock-n-Roll were all out on the table and i always tried to post in a tasteful manner.... Sooooo, what does all this have to do with painting waves you ask? Process. The flow of reactions spurred my creativity virtually as i painted alone in my studio.  Art, its putting yourself out there on a virtual edge. Be it personal, vicariously or otherwise.... what folks thought about me or the art wasn't the focus as much the sharing of doing the art and the process behind it- It is also about bringing about change and opening dialogue to perhaps free a few minds along the way. I do believe everyone has their specialty in Art. A Chef, a Marketer, Farmer, Mother, Etc. By opening my mind and heart to an audience from my studio, a venue was found. Albeit full of Dragons and Butterflies, Angels and Soul families.....

The message of the Art, this relatively undefined relation of painting waves.
 The wealth of this micro-genre now called "Surf Art" may hold an example, a daily reminder of all that is known and felt within the act of Surfing to Life's everyday lessons and how we fit into this world with its ever changing environment.  Non-surfers are already channel surfing and Surfing the web. It is within this shift out of the industrial age into the information age and the chance at a little Human comfort and understanding which pulls at my purpose.... we all are seeing people go a little nuts from the bombardment of this information, some, basically losing it completely. Who knows? You may already think i'm there!

It is my intent, my dream-to help people to see their life as if they are a surfer in the ocean and eventually on surfable wave in their mind.  As we all learn to flow intangibly on this flexible plane called the information age, there is struggle and there is flow. The speed of information coming at us may throw us off center. Surfing parallels decision making in virtually all aspects in life today.  o.k. i'll shut up and paint now.....


  1. Clark...
    I am humbled by the depth of you..(on this plane and on many others) I do not have the time to think about others thoughts only the thought that I am lucky to know you... "life is hard" a truth... its not the only truth but it has been my truth. When I met you we shared some truth...this led me to the opportunity to get to know you and know your life more. As I saw the confusion of your loss,your careers transition, and life sending you some hard lessons...I saw the clarity of an artist..I BELIEVE IN YOU WHOLLY !!! You play it close to heart and live your dream..beause after all ..thats all we have...I love you my braddah..I love the way you walk through this thing called life..I'm with you wherever it takes us..GAMBATTE NE...MO CHOTTO MO CHOTTO...we'll rest when we are dead...til then..GO BIG !!!

  2. Very well said 9th Wave... I'm with ya!
