Thursday, October 27, 2011

"First Step-Step To"

Read into your trip....but believe your gut for the greater good. So many paths to follow and where to step? Taking that first step leads to you another....Seek laughter, grow your gratitude, let your actions of forward movement define you. Your will is all you have total control over. Entertain the lightness in a constant state of forgiveness because your dream is completely different than another.

Like two people reading or seeing the same thing might have different definitions, opinions and interpretations, simplification seems to be a road for every seeker. We may complicate ourselves into the word overwhelmed or we can shed negativity with laughter. (with others- is usually more fun.)

I wake every morning with a prayer for the farthest person out there. Then work slowly back to those closest to me, then me....Some say be happy and do things to make yourself happy before you can share any happy. Through my dream and life, the addition of those true words, bringing happiness to others has given me the greatest happiness. A multiplication of acts of random kindness without perpetuation of negative thought. I suppose...

Ok, time for Coffee.....

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